led screen Applications


In moments when a customer chooses between online and traditional in-store shopping, it is crucial to offer them a new value that will make them choose to shop in-store, further connect them with the brand and lifestyle, and provide dynamic store experience through video content.

As printing costs have been increasing and changing content has become more challenging due to human factors, digitizing the retail space has also become essential.


  • Costs are lower in the long run compared to printing costs
  • Possibilities for quick campaign changes, even during the day
  • Creation of different content for special sales events, e.g., Black Friday


In times when attendance at sports halls and stadiums is declining, digital communication with customers becomes essential. LED display screens provide a fresh atmosphere in stadiums and sports halls, adding value to visitors and enabling the enhancement of their stadium experience in the stands by delivering customized content to viewers through television broadcasts or through live video messages.

Digital Signage

Digital signage is intended for those industries and brands that recognize the value of digital communication of their company with existing and new customers and suppliers, and who wish to greatly increase the value of their brand and corporate culture.

Displaying your message in front of or inside your company allows for additional valorization of your business space or the number of people passing in front of the business space. Sometimes we invest millions in fairs or other advertisements, yet we fail to tell the customer or client about a new product or our business culture, which he considers important, in order to choose us over the competition.

The advantages of digital signage compared to traditional are immeasurable, but the main factors are: speed of change, cost of change, visibility of change which is over 10 times greater than traditional, independence from the human factor, the possibility of displaying images, videos, and other types of content.


When there is a high footfall in a particular location, the best way to capitalize on the marketing value of that location is through LED display screens. Compared to traditional ones, LED display screens can convey 10 times more information with an observation that is 50 times greater than traditional media.

Polet provides a complete implementation of such displays: project development, construction manufacturing, LED display production and installation, as well as end-user training.

TV and Home Cinema

Televizori i kućni bioskopi Polet P1.53, Polet P1.86 i Polet 2 su idealni za velike televizore i kućne bioskope. Ako ste zamišljali da imate TV dijagonale preko 2m u 2K ili 4K rezoluciji za vašu dnevnu ili posebnu video-sobu sada je to moguće. I dalje je nedostižno za običnog čoveka u narednih nekoliko godina ali sasvim moguće za premijum dnevne sobe ili male kućne bioskopske ili hotelske sale.

Bašta ili bazen

Ako ste zamišljali da u društvu porodice ili prijatelja gledate u bašti ili pored bazena neki film  sada je i ovo moguće. Polet je poslednjih pet godina isporučio nekoliko ovakvih sistema za premijum dvorišta ili bazene, dajući vlasnicima nemerljiv osećaj gledanja uz roštilj ili vino.

Poled DOO ne radi sa fizičkim licima ali će vas rado uputiti na nekog od naših distributera koji će vam obezbediti kompletno rešenje.

Polet conference, presentation and meeting rooms, TV studios, XR (Extended Reality), and control rooms

Over the past ten years, Polet has delivered numerous displays for national television networks in the region, as well as a significant number of small TV stations, starting with their first project for RTS Zagreb. Also, Polet is finalizing its first XR solution that will enable film production where the scenery is displayed on the LED screen.

During the last three ISE Europe trade fairs, Polet showcased POLET 1.5T Pro solution, designed specifically for control rooms and TV stations. Due to its unparalleled price-to-quality ratio compared to any TV option, the focus of development and sales will be on control rooms, not only for monitoring and managing critical situations in local administrations, police, following traffic congestion and violations, surveillance of CCTV cameras, but also for production monitoring.