PoletLED Gender Equality Plan

At PoletLED, we believe that promoting gender equality is vital to our success and to creating an inclusive, innovative, and productive work environment. This GenderEquality Plan outlines our commitments and actions to foster gender equality and ensure equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of gender.

Objectives of the Gender Equality Plan

The main objectives of the Gender Equality Plan within PoletLED are to:
  • Promote gender balance in leadership, decision-making, and career progression.
  • Foster a work culture that supports work-life balance and equal opportunities.
  • Prevent gender-based issues, including sexual harassment, and establish a
  • zero-tolerance policy.
  • Ensure fair recruitment practices and gender-sensitive professional development opportunities.
  • Integrate gender perspectives into all company practices.

Publication and Endorsement 

This GEP has been developed and signed by the signatory of PoletLED and has been published on our company website and has been actively communicated to all employees. Furthermore, it has been formally endorsed by senior management to ensure commitment at the highest level.

Dedicated Resources

PoletLED has allocated a gender equality office role to our main HR and administrative employee. This allocation ensures that there is a responsible individual for responsible for overseeing the implementation of the plan, supported by the senior management staff. Employee involvement has been embedded into the responsibilities of managers, with clear roles to address any gender-related issues within their teams.

Data Collection and Monitoring

We collect and monitor sex-disaggregated data annually on:
  • Employee recruitment and promotions.
  • Gender composition in leadership and decision-making roles.
  • Pay gaps between genders.
  • This data will help track progress and identify areas that require improvement.

Training and Awareness

PoletLED has regular safety and state of the art training sessions. Included within these regularly organises sessions, training sessions on gender equality and unconscious bias are provided to all employees, with a focus on decision-makers as well as all members of the organisation. These training sessions are sourced from both local and EU toolboxes for gender equity. Additional topics such as work-life balance, gender-sensitive communication, and leadership are also included in the training sessions.

Work-Life Balance and Organisational Culture

Where possible, flexible working hours and remote working options are offered to accommodate the needs of employees. PoletLED follows all national regulation on parental leave and maternity leave, which include 12-months paid leave opportunities and clear policies on parental leave and return-to-work programs will be established.

Gender Balance in Leadership and Decision-Making

We encourage gender parity in leadership roles by:Ensuring fair and transparent hiring and promotion processes.Proactively identifying and supporting female talent for leadership positions.Encouraging gender-balanced representation in key decision-making committees.

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

Annual reviews of the GEP are conducted within PoletLED, using the collected data to assess progress and make necessary adjustments. Furthermore, regular feedback from employees is sought to ensure the plan evolves with the company’s needs.


Overall, at PoletLED we are committed to fostering an inclusive and gender-balanced workplace. This Gender Equality Plan represents our ongoing dedication to achieving gender equality and promoting a work environment where everyone can thrive.